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Jquery Class Button Disable !!

jQuery disable all button of a css class - Stack Overflow

You can disable a button by using below mentioned steps. Say your button class name = setAlg. Step 1: Using Jquery attr Attribute : $('.setAlg').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); Step 2: Using Jquery addClass CSS Class : $('.setAlg').addClass('disabled'); Step 3 : Then by Declaring CSS Style Class : But If you are using the same class for those input fields (as per your question title), you need to try this instead:

Chris Pebbles suggestion should work fine, but I am confused. In your question's title, you specificall state "jQuery disable all button of a css class", however, you then provide an example which shows that you really want to disable all buttons that have a name attribute of setAlg.

Two points come to mind. First, your buttons, since they all have the same name may produce unexpected results for you when the user submits your form (if this is what they do, but I may be wrong here). If this is the case, the you probably really do want to set all of them to the same class, not name.

Second point is that if you do want to make your jQuery to work with a class, you'll need to do:

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How to disable form submit on enter button using jQuery

How to Enable or Disable a Button using Jquery - UseJquery

Disable or Enable Button using jquery To do so, you have to add a disabled attribute to the submit button, as follows:$(“#buttonSubmit”).attr(“disabled”, true); HTML Coding: Normally, people will press a submit button more than a time to make sure the button is surely clicked. While do so, it will results and cause submission issue and sometimes shows error. To overcome this problem, the only solution is to disables the submit button after user clicked it.

Using jQuery has many features, where it allows you to enable and disable the buttons. By the way, today we will show you how to quickly enable or disable the submit button using jQuery.

For this, either you can disabled attribute to false or remove the disabled attribute. Therefore, there are two ways to enable a disabled button. Let’s see how to enable it in 2 methods.$(‘#buttonSubmit’).attr(“disabled”, false);          

Another example for default disabled. On page load, you can set the button be disabled by default. Once the user fills the form, it will enable automatically.// To Disable Submit Button By Default

Disable button in jQuery - Stack Overflow

If you are using a jQuery UI styled button then it should be enabled / disabled via: $("some sort of selector").button("enable" | "disable"); http://api.jqueryui.com/button/#method-disable However should you be using jQuery UI (I know the OP wasn't but some people arriving here might be) then while this will disable the buttons click event it wont make the button appear disabled as per the UI styling.

I want to disable button on some condition, i am using 1st solution but it won't work for me. But when I use 2nd one it worked.Below are outputs from browser console.

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Enable Disable Submit Button using jQuery | FormGet

jquery disable by class - Stack Overflow

This is the code I use to disable or re-enable a control: function handleControlDisplay(className, foundCount, checked) var button = jQuery(className); if (foundCount > 0 && foundCount == checked) // enable button.removeAttr("disabled"); else // set the disabled attribute button.attr("disabled", "true"); ; site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. rev 2021.7.16.39771

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How to Disable a Button Using jQuery | Career Karma

Using jQuery prop () to Disable a Button. In this example, we have a shopping app that will disable an “Add to Cart” button if the product is sold out. For this example, we will render a simple HTML button, and a
to add the item if it is not sold out.
. There are many reasons to disable a button in a web application. Whether it’s to prevent a user from adding a sold out item to their shopping cart, or not allowing the user to click a button after an action is performed, jQuery does not have a method to disable buttons directly.

Instead, we use the prop() method, a newer addition to the library — appearing in jQuery 1.6. It was introduced as a solution to retrieving property values of selected elements. Previously, this was done with the attr() method, which retrieves attribute values. 

Having a method concerned with getting attribute values while also retrieving property values yielded unpredictable results at times. As of jQuery 1.6, the prop() method was introduced to solve this disparity. For the sake of our purposes, we will be using prop() to disable our buttons because “disabled” is a property value of a HTML button element. 

Now that we’ve touched on why and how to use prop(), we can take a look at syntax. Remember that prop() is just another jQuery method and these methods are called on a selected element — in our case, a button. Let’s look at how we might disable a button with an id of “btn”.

As we can see, prop() accepts the value as a string and we set the boolean value in the second argument. Boolean values are either true or false. Here’s a guide that goes deeper into how to use booleans. 

After setting the “disabled” property to true, we render an unclickable button. Now that we understand the syntax, let’s take a look at why and when we’d want to use this. In the next section, we will take a look at an e-commerce site with products having an attribute of “sold-out?”.

In this example, we have a shopping app that will disable an “Add to Cart” button if the product is sold out. For this example, we will render a simple HTML button, and a to add the item if it is not sold out. 

Now, let’s create a product and a callback function — a function passed to another function to be called later — to display our cart in the above. If the product is sold out, the button will disable. 

We have created a variable called product that contains an object. The object has properties of name, price, and soldOut. If the property soldOut is false, we should see our jacket displayed in our . Let’s click Add to Cart and see what happens.

Since our soldOut property is set to false, we displayed our product in the . What if that was the last jacket in stock? Let’s see what happens when the soldOut property is set to true.

That’s exactly what we wanted. Using the conditional statement in the callback function, we were able to disable the Add to Cart button. Now users can’t add sold out items to their cart. We avoided a major headache in our e-commerce app!

In learning how to disable an HTML button with jQuery, we’ve discovered that jQuery doesn’t have an explicit method to do so. To work around this, we used the prop() method to set the button property “disabled” to true. Then we saw an example of how disabling a button is useful.

Guiding the user experience in web development is essential. In this guide, we used disabling buttons to guide the user experience. Explore how disabling a button could help direct your user experience in your next project.

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Ryan is a technical writer at Career Karma, where he covers programming languages, technology, and web development. The Texas native earned his Bachelor's of Music Composition from the University of North Texas. Ryan is currently pursuing further education in web development, aiming to graduate from Flatiron School with a certification in full stack web development. Since joining the Career Karma team in November 2020, Ryan has used his expertise to cover topics like React and Ruby on Rails.

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jQuery - Disable Button After Click using jQuery

jQuery disable/enable submit button - Stack Overflow

jQuery disable/enable submit button. When the text field is empty the submit should be disabled (disabled="disabled"). When something is typed in the text field to remove the disabled attribute. If the text field becomes empty again (the text is deleted) the submit button should be disabled again. The problem is that the change event fires only when focus is moved away from the input (e.g. someone clicks off the input or tabs out of it). Try using keyup instead:

This question is 2 years old but it's still a good question and it was the first Google result but all of the existing answers recommend setting and removing the HTML attribute (removeAttr("disabled")) "disabled", which is not the right approach. There is a lot of confusion regarding attribute vs. property.

Nevertheless, the most important concept to remember about the checked attribute is that it does not correspond to the checked property. The attribute actually corresponds to the defaultChecked property and should be used only to set the initial value of the checkbox. The checked attribute value does not change with the state of the checkbox, while the checked property does. Therefore, the cross-browser-compatible way to determine if a checkbox is checked is to use the property

Properties generally affect the dynamic state of a DOM element without changing the serialized HTML attribute. Examples include the value property of input elements, the disabled property of inputs and buttons, or the checked property of a checkbox. The .prop() method should be used to set disabled and checked instead of the .attr() method.

As for the disable on change part of the question: There is an event called "input", but browser support is limited and it's not a jQuery event, so jQuery won't make it work. The change event works reliably, but is fired when the element loses focus. So one might combine the two (some people also listen for keyup and paste).

eric, your code did not seem to work for me when the user enters text then deletes all the text. i created another version if anyone experienced the same problem. here ya go folks:

To disable a submit button for file field when a file is not chosen, then enable after the user chooses a file to upload:

If the button is itself a jQuery styled button (with .button()) you will need to refresh the state of the button so that the correct classes are added / removed once you have removed/added the disabled attribute.

The answers above don't address also checking for menu based cut/paste events. Below's the code that I use to do both. Note the action actually happens with a timeout because the cut and past events actually fire before the change happened, so timeout gives a little time for that to happen.

In this code we add keyup event on html form and on every keypress check all input fields. If at least one input field we have are empty or contains only space characters then we assign the true value to disabled variable and disable submit button.

Al types of solution are supplied. So I want to try for a different solution. Simply it will be more easy if you add a id attribute in your input fields.

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How to disable a button in jQuery dialog from a function

In UI Dialog box, button as default class called ui-button so focus on it. Create a function that should trigger dialog box in ready that is on page load. Then use jQuery method prop(‘disabled’, true) to disable that button with class ui-button. Syntax: $(selector).dialog(); $(selector).prop('disabled', true);

jQuery removeClass() Method - W3Schools

Optional. Specifies one or more class names to remove. To remove several classes, separate the class names with space Note: If this parameter is empty, all class names will be removed: function(index,currentclass) Optional. A function that returns one or more class names to remove. index - Returns the index position of the element in the set

Disable/enable an input with jQuery? - Stack Overflow

Sometimes you need to disable/enable the form element like input or textarea. Jquery helps you to easily make this with setting disabled attribute to "disabled". For e.g.: //To disable $('.someElement').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); To enable disabled element you need to remove "disabled" attribute from this element or empty it's string. For e.g:

jQuery toggleClass() Method - W3Schools

The toggleClass () method toggles between adding and removing one or more class names from the selected elements. This method checks each element for the specified class names. The class names are added if missing, and removed if already set - This creates a toggle effect. However, by using the "switch" parameter, you can specify to only remove, or jquery class button disable
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jquery class button disable

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How to disable form submit on enter button using jQuery

Enable Disable Submit Button using jQuery | FormGet

jQuery - Disable Button After Click using jQuery

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