The Type 'class Java.lang.string' Of The Value Object Is Not Supported !!
java spring data jpa no property found for type exception.
25 10 2013 49 fixed while using crudrepository of spring we have to append the propertyname correctly after findby otherwise it will give you exception no property found for type i was getting this exception as because property name and method name were not in sync i have used below code for db access.
jmf java error exception in thread main java lang.
30 12 2013 exception in thread main java lang nullpointerexception at jmfcam05v startcapture jmfcam05v java 202 some object reference at line 202 of jmfcam05v java inside the startcapture method is null while the code is trying to access invoke it using the dot operator.unsupported response content type text html must be text xml.
although service is deployed successfully but when i connect a client i got the reponse soapexception faultcode soap env p rotocol msg unsupported response content type text html must be text xml.
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foreign key constraint name which is always fk table name cmr field name 3 comma sepperated list of foreign key column names 4 references table name 5 comma sepperated list of the referenced primary key column names if the datasource does not support foreign key constraints this element should be empty.the type 'class java.lang.string' of the value object is not supported
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