Node Js Class Es6 Example !!
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just treat the es6 class name the same as you would have treated the constructor name in the es5 way they are one and the same the es6 syntax is just syntactic sugar and creates exactly the same underlying prototype constructor function and objects.
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17 12 2014 the javascript virtual machine v8 in the case of node periodically frees memory allocated to objects no longer in scope an object is no longer in scope if there is no chain of references from the current scope leading to it if an object is held in scope but never gets used we say there is a memory to use class in node js geeksforgeeks.
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29 10 2016 classes is the most important fundamental concept in object oriented programming therefore it is important to know how to work with them es6 gives us very nice new syntax for class declaration class class1 constructor arg console log initialize class1 object console log arg arg to create a new object.node js class es6 example
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